Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Whitesheet PhotoMontageMovie

Just found this lovely sequence from my summer 2008 mediascape on Whitesheet Hill - 'Something More' and thought I'd put it up here as a reminder of things past and things to come...

I like this photo-montage-movie technique as a way to capture movement and snippets of attention within a panoramic landscape.

(No audio - make your own accompaniment!)

Monday, 2 March 2009

absence and presence

Almost a month has gone by since the snow.. daffs are out and I heard a cuckoo yesterday morning, early.

I've spent the last 3 weeks working round the clock on my mediascape for the London film festival Birds Eye View, that opens on Thursday. It's been great, and there's a lot of useful things we've learned and developed that will feed into Soundlines and later Sightlines.
The e-merge blog tracks the development of the project. A dedicated website will track the traces of walks and the resulting films made by people taking the mediascape for a walk in St James's Park during the festival. There's more about the background of the project on the BEV blog. And if anyone reading this is in London between 7-13 March, come along and try it out at the ICA!