Just a few of the walks made by today's 20 or so walkers, who admirably braved the torrential rain to explore Soundlines on Sand Point. (They weren't really swimming in the sea - though it may have felt a bit like it at the end! I think the mapping of Sand Point is as variable as the tides!)
(Pictures and video documentation to follow later)
The learning point from these traces : people obviously want to walk to the end of the point! But because we won't be using this area when we work with young people, (H and S) we hadn't worked on crafting the sounds placed here.So my guess is everybody set off into a sound zone with no variation ..... and then back.
It's like roads to the end of peninsulars, they're always full up. There's something in human nature which leads us to the end .... water and earth in extremity.
There were certainly walkers exploring more of the inland and raised beach areas too - not all traces were recorded. But by then the weather had got much worse! What struck me was how the 'paths' of trodden grass were more appealing to follow in the heavy rain (short grass = drier boots & trousers!) whereas in the dry i'd naturally go off into the longer grass a lot more.
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