Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Soundlines link Sand Point and Millennium Square

The last couple of days I've been checking through final adjustments to the Sand Point audio mediascape ready for Tuesday's walk. The content sounds great, and plays well. Just tweaking the start and end - because we're recording data from the walks for web playback, it all gets a bit more complicated... worthwhile though, website is looking good (thankyou Ben!)
At the same time, I've been remapping the Sand point sounds, along with the students' animations, into a mediascape walk for Millennium and Anchor Squares in central Bristol. Why? Because Strata were asked to present the project at the BBC Blast conference, Create and Connect, on Monday 29th March.
So here's testing the new format in a very different place...
This one shows the gps trace, undercover areas where it gets lost, and test regions. Not too bad, but a few minor adjustments to improve it before Monday.


Jane Harwood said...

wish I could be there for BBC Blast! I'm interested in how those 'wild' sounds will work in this environment .... also thinking, this would have been the destination for shipping coming past Sand Point, which does make a clear, narrative link ... sea shanties, storms and all.'....Me boots and clothes are all in pawn!It's blasted windy round Cape Horn!'

jackie said...

And the photos from one of the groups at Blast show a very seaman-like character lurnig in the Square!
Sounds attached to statues worked well... :)