This morning there was woodsmoke coming up from the valley and failing to rise in the cold still air.
It's not a place I've seen smoke before. There's no house there but there are some very old coke ovens by two ponds which were once associated with a small coal mine. I suppose someone is coppicing and clearing and keeping warm with a fire.
I want to add smoke in the landscape as another sightline. Smoke is people, a fire, a focus.
If we are aligning journeys by topographical features, then smoke would once have indicated the way between the hilltops and landmarks : hearths, warmth, welcome.
In a sparsely populated and wooded landscape, imagine the spicy smell of a bright blackthorn or hazel fire, smelt, seen, heard: refuge and company.
1 comment:
Nice, I love the smell of smoke - even more when I can smell it but not see it! Love the image of smoke streams between the hilltops. I'm wondering how that relates to gps trace, and what the potential for images is there... floating a gps/pda in a hot air balloon following the waft of the smoketrail and mapping it afterwards.....(!)
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